Blaise Pascal's Love Theory

"The heart has its reasons which reason does not know." - Pascal (1623-1662) when he tried to explain about God. They said it was a good wordplay. Not all things could be answered by reason. Some questions could be answered by heart. Even some of the best thing in the world only could be felt by heart. Two things in one person who can work opposites each other. Don't you think it's magical whoever Someone who made us?
May be Pascal is already dead but is his erudition too? May be he wrote about this because he wanted to explain who or what God is. But I think, because the relativity of this postmodern age, what he said centuries ago can be applied in our real life.
Everyone, especially girls, will agree with Pascal's writing. Love, as a easiest example, could be felt by heart. Can it be felt by reason? Of course. But they said reason works slowly when you're attacked by love (LOL :D).
I agree with that. That's why some people are fool enough for giving their heart even their life for a man or a woman who doesn't love them back.
Haha I feel so funny now. It's only 8.05 AM here in Central Jakarta, but I already talked about love! :D


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