One Fine Day

Should I never been into an event of my life
I will not meet new souls
Or even fall in love with them
Since nothing is permanent
One day we will be apart

I asked God why
Life always has two sides
Why sad and happy
Big and small
Noisy and silent
Busy and calm
Encounter and separation

Of all the things that I hate the most is separation
What if I live forever in my mom's comfortable womb
I could have lived happily ever after
But baby will separate from the womb
And from family to her new family
From her mother to become a mother
From her father to her significant other

Why God invented separation in the first place?
Or was it a legacy from the First Man
Who separated himself from the One
And become the Other

We have no option but to be apart
And singing our farewell lullaby
Always out of tune in my grand and living orchestra
Farewell is always an off key
That I could not get rid of
Full of false hopes and wishes and what-ifs
But no place for broken note in my melodies

If just one fine day we will happen to meet again
That one fine day is forever a mystery
Who knows we will meet here or there
Who knows we will leave each other here and there
God knows
To improve and rearrange the harmony
One fine day is all I need


Kuala Lumpur, July 22nd, 2018
(pict: @malva.illustration)

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


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