a note from the stormy weather: happy new year!


Hi... and happy new year.

This is the first post for this year. In some minutes, it will be a new Moon in Pisces. Transiting in a place of healing. With the help of the Sun and widely projected by Jupiter. Those who understands will.

Oh what a place of ending.

When the final season of the year started, the whole Universe put me into isolation. Not absolute. But the theme goes on and on.

It is holiday too today. I don't have to worry about not enough sleep and can focus on needing what to be done: to bestow words and breaking an unfinished silence. I was wrong thinking all end when it goes silent.

Wound freezes too when the storm goes tranquil.

The moment it starts moving again, nobody is ready. And that's what exactly had happened.

A resume of the stormy weather. The bad news is, it gets worse. Even more bad news, there's no good news.

It is when you are left by your own, the demons showed themselves. And they are you. Or not.

A square becomes a disaster. Space becomes dangerous. Because it creates emptiness to fill for souls who are longing the feeling of contented. A feeling of a life.

The realisation of spirally thinking about every single thing without one's consent is what my brain does on a daily basis. To think that I'm capable of thinking and I am thinking. Spiralling like a mad one.

It usually happens when Pluto gets involved too. He always choose violence... and nothing else. Extreme.. extremely painful what God only knows why.

What was it, they said Descartes talked about it. Existence.

I have thought too much about it I guess. This woman might had no self-control whatsoever. Because I am very aware when my brain started to dig deep into what it wants. To delve and decipher the mystery of all there is. To crack the code.

There is always an answer, though. But, doesn't mean it's worth it.

It is the final season of the year. I hope it wouldn't get harder than this because I have no energy left. To call it exhaustion is belittling what it means.

Thanks to the stars and moon in Pisces tonight. They are the hero.

And I am God's strongest soldier. But, for what?

For what?

Batam, A New Moon in Pisces



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