Jakarta, in the midnight, 19/10/2017, after an overwhelming class

I have this class called Trauma, Theology, and Aesthetics. In that class, we learned to share our tears. We shared our burdens yet we took our friend’s burdens to become our own. We learned to embrace the vulnerability of creation. We risk to change our point of view, our way of thinking, upside down. We learn to read the Bible differently. We learn to hear and to listen to the voice of the voiceless. We risk ourselves, our theology, for being the witness to the brokenness of humanity, of our society, which they tried to hide. We offer them the brutality of reality, which they could not bear, all this time. We risk ourselves, we risk our theology. We risk our faith.

In that class, we shared tears. Even society could not bear the tears. Tears are something taboo, that you must hide it and keep it private. Keep it to yourself.

Our society is a cold stone. We are the water drop. And if we keep dropping the reality, the cold stone will break.  This is a community of sharing.

I have learned many things the hard way. God can be absent, God cries, God has been through death. God can be as vulnerable as human being can be, as creation can be this point of view breaks all Christian doctrines which shows the powerfulness, almighty, the presentfulness of God. Therefore, I can see God as a friend. Not like some usual friend, but rather, an intimate friend, who walks with me and accompanies me, through the darkness, through the death, the abyss of life, the wound, and the trauma itself. Like the lyric of a song: I will fear no evil, for my God is with me. And if my God is with me, whom then shall I fear?

Location: Menteng, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta, Indonesia


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